Monday, October 17, 2011

Prof. Layton and Luke

Prof. Layton is one of my favorite game series on the NDS. The use of puzzle is amazing and most importantly is the simple design of the characters. Everytime I look at the game I want to design character just like those in the game. After seeing the trailer for Prof Layton vs Phoenix Wright and its the 2nd time Laytons game is in 3D so I decide to make some models of it and try to make it as close to the game as possible.

These low poly model here I just made for fun and also to test some experiment with the materials and the animations.

Hope everyone like it.

Layton- 1606 polys
Luke- 1587 polys

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Asura's Wrath

Asura's Wrath has caught my eye the moment its announce. I really like the Asian Buddaism x Scifi theme to it. And I agree with many other that it feel like an asian style of God of War. Below is my piece of work that I submit for the Asura's wrath's ingame art contest.

The 1st one is the the size for the contest in 1280x720, the 2nd is 5120x2880 the size that I worked on.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Digital art and painting

These are the digital arts and painting I worked on while at The Art Institute of Washington.

2D Drawing

These are the 2D drawings I did while attending The Art Institute of Washington.


These two are the sculptures I made at my sculpture class at The Art Institute of Washington.

The first sculpture's theme was Ratatouille and i was to make an anime ver for it.

The second sculpture is the mythological creature theme with a job at real life. I make an cerberus as a wrestlers.

Life drawing

These are the drawings i did while at The Art Institute of Washington. These include life drawing, anatomy studies and self portrait.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reel, 2011

A demo reel I made with few characters I create while at The Art Institute of Washington.